

Me(deosa mae) is the center of this diagram and i have three friends named Krisselle, Rea and Raihanna were both member of the Youth organization in our church. Raihanna is the cousin of Kuya Anthony then he is my voice mentor in our church and Kuya Anthony is also working at IFI Church where we serve he work as a treasurer and the Youth organization is one of the sectoral group in our church.


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– Motivation is basis and a psychological feature that arouses an organism to act towards a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal-directed behaviors. It can be considered a driving force; a psychological one that compels or reinforces an action toward a desired goal. For example, hunger is a motivation that elicits a desire to eat. Motivation is the purpose or psychological cause of an action.
Motivation has been shown to have roots in physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and social areas. Motivation may be rooted in a basic impulse to optimize well-being, minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure. It can also originate from specific physical needs such as eating, sleeping or resting, and sex.
Motivation is an inner drive to behave or act in a certain manner. “It’s the difference between waking up before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the house all day.” These inner conditions such as wishes, desires and goals, activate to move in a particular direction in behavior.

Synthesis: Every workers has a motivation in ourselves. For example they motivate their selves to finish or to accomplish their goals to achieve their wants.

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motivation


– 7 major ways to motivate

1. Having your work be noticed and appreciated.

2. Setting long-term goals that lead to satisfying results.

3. Doing work that you are passionate about.

4. Feeling that your bosses are loyal to you.

5. Open communications between workers and managers.

6. Feeling that you have job security.

7. Mastering a skill.


– We need to use this seven ways to motivate ourselves to know what are the limitations and it is a kind of encouragement to the workers to make them hard-working to do their job well.


–  Maslow wanted to understand what motivates people. He believed that individuals possess a set of motivation systems unrelated to rewards or unconscious desires.

Maslow (1943) stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs. When one need is fulfilled a person seeks to fulifill the next one, and so on.

The earliest and most widespread version of Maslow’s (1943, 1954) hierarchy of needs includes five motivational needs, often depicted as hierachical levels within a pyramid.

basic (or deficiency) needs (e.g. physiological, safety, love, and esteem) and growth needs (self-actualization).

One must satisfy lower level basic needs before progressing on to meet higher level growth needs.  Once these needs have been reasonably satisfied, one may be able to reach the highest level called self-actualization.

Every person is capable and has the desire to move up the hierarchy toward a level of self-actualization.  Unfortunately, progress is often disrupted by failure to meet lower level needs. Life experiences including divorce and loss of job may cause an individual to fluctuate between levels of he hierarchy.

Maslow noted only one in a hundred people become fully self-actualized because our society rewards motivation primarily based on esteem, love and other social needs.

Synthesis: Maslow needs approach , it is the representation or explanation of the hierarchy needs of the people. It is composed of the Psychological Needs, Safety Needs, Belonging and Love Needs, Esteem Needs, and the Need for Self Actualization.

Reference: http://allpsych.com/personalitysynopsis/maslow.html


–  To better understand employee attitudes and motivation, Frederick Herzberg performed studies to determine which factors in an employee’s work environment caused satisfaction or dissatisfaction. He published his findings in the 1959 book The Motivation to Work.

The studies included interviews in which employees where asked what pleased and displeased them about their work. Herzberg found that the factors causing job satisfaction (and presumably motivation) were different from those causing job dissatisfaction. He developed the motivation-hygiene theory to explain these results. He called the satisfiers motivators and the dissatisfiers hygiene factors, using the term “hygiene” in the sense that they are considered maintenance factors that are necessary to avoid dissatisfaction but that by themselves do not provide satisfaction.


– The two factor theory of Herzberg states that there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction, while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction. The two factor theory distinguishes between motivators and hygiene factors. Motivators that give positive satisfaction, arising from intrinsic conditions of the job itself, such as recognition, achievement or personal growth and Hygiene factor that do not give positive satisfaction, though dissatisfaction results from their absence. These are extrinsic to the work itself and include aspects such as company policies, supervisory practices or wages/salary.

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-factor theory


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– A group of people with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a task, job, or project. Team members operate with a high degree of interdependence, share authority and responsibility for self-management, accountable for the collective performance, and work toward a common goal and shared rewards. A team becomes more than just a collection of people when a strong sense mutual commitment creates synergy, thus generating performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members.


– Team is a group of individual who have a complementary skills to complete a task, job or project. Sometimes some member in a team have the same characteristics and attitudes. Also they have more closure with others to make their job easier .

Reference: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/team.html#ixzz2mOK5F67h


– Norms are the rules that the team agrees to follow as it conducts its work. Norms may be written or may evolve as unwritten understandings over time. Most newly organizing teams find it effective to start out with an initial set of norms with the understanding that these will need to be reviewed and modified frequently. Some teams decide to review norms at the beginning or end of each meeting. The establishment and adherence to team norms helps build team discipline, trust between team members, and supports a safe environment.


– Norms is a behavior of an individual to express their own beliefs on how they can communicate to other individual. It is also a interaction between one individual to a group on how he/she can communicate to them. It can also express what they have learned and  why group and team groups are important.

Reference: http://www.businessdictionary.com/norms


– A team is not a bunch of people with job titles, but a congregation of individuals, each of whom has a role which is understood by other members. Members of a team seek out certain roles and they perform most effectively in the ones that are most natural to them.


– Roles of a team express what are the responsibilities of each member to do their own jobs. It is handled by the team manager, the team manager is the one who can assign what are the jobs they going to do.

Reference: http://www.belbin.com/rte.asp?id=8


– Communication is the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another; it involves a sender transmitting an idea, information, or feeling to a receiver (U.S. Army, 1983). Effective communication occurs only if the receiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to transmit. Many of the problems that occur in an organization are (Mistry, Jaggers, Lodge, Alton, Mericle, Frush, Meliones, 2008)


– Communication is the process on how an individual understands what are other individual want to say.They can understand by sending and receiving a message to others. And by that we can share our ideas, other information to others.

Reference: http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leadcom.html


– A duty or obligation to satisfactorily perform or complete a task (assigned by someone, or created by one’s own promise or circumstances) that one must fulfill, and which has a consequent penalty for failure.

Synthesis: It is a duty to do your assign task. It can helped you to complete or to finish your task earlier.

Reference: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/responsibility.html


– Evaluation is a systematic determination of a subject’s merit, worth and significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards. It can assist an organization, program, project or any other intervention or initiative to assess any aim, realizable concept/proposal, or any alternative, to help in decision-making; or to ascertain the degree of achievement or value in regard to the aim and objectives and results of any such action that has been completed. The primary purpose of evaluation, in addition to gaining insight into prior or existing initiatives, is to enable reflection and assist in the identification of future change.

Evaluation is often used to characterize and appraise subjects of interest in a wide range of human enterprises, including the arts, criminal justice, foundations, non-profit organizations, government, health care, and other human services.


– it is a judgement by determining those item value or something that have value. In an organization , evaluating is a process of checking the work of each other if it is good or failed.

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/


– The thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options. When trying to make a good decision, a person must weight the positives and negatives of each option, and consider all the alternatives. For effective decision making, a person must be able to forecast the outcome of each option as well, and based on all these items, determined which option is the best for that particular situation.


– Decision making is a process on how an individual choose or decide  what they do. An individual will think first before he/she do any action to know if they decision have a good or bad effect.

Reference: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/decision-making.html#ixzz2mONEpqcC


– The Garrison Institute’s Climate, Mind and Behavior (CMB) Program examines how mental models and patterns of thought affect our environmental behavior and how, by examining and shifting them, we might reduce our ecological impacts. CMB’s integrative approach combines new insights from current scientific research in many disciplines to develop practical solutions to the world’s pressing environmental issues. CMB brings together advocates, scientists, thought-, movement- and business leaders, policy and communications experts to create new learning networks, nurture innovative thinking, and find scalable ways to shift mindsets, alter behavior, achieve systems-level change to reduce human-caused ecological problems, including climate change. CMB symposiums bring together stimulating mixes of key leaders, and uses reflective and contemplative practices to generate fresh and innovative thinking.


– Behavioral climate is a process on how an individual change their attitude in a particular event happens. It is the range of action or a mannerism made by environment, organisms and systems. The best example of behavioral climate to a person is the minute to minute or second to second changing their minds.

Reference: http://www.garrisoninstitute.org/climate-and-behavior


–  High achievers are those who achieve a goal. In school, a high achiever would be a student who gets high marks, good grades. They do the work that is required and do it well. They tend to be well-organized, with good time-management skills, which is why they turn in neat and tidy work on time. They also tend to be well-behaved, adjusting well to the classroom environment and participating enthusiastically in classroom discussions.

High achievers are not necessarily gifted, although some high achievers are also gifted. High achievers are often externally motivated by the desire to get good grades or even high praise. They can also often be motivated by stickers with smiley faces.


– The result in a person who has being hard-working. When a person have been successful if he/she have successfully done or achieved their goals that they want to complete or done. 

 Reference: http://giftedkids.about.com/od/glossary/g/High-Achiever.htm


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                   PRECIOUS JEWEL BARKER

Marline: the whole person for me is the difference of each individual, our own personality or the totality of a person with every basis. attitudes are also the factors that help the person to built his/her good personality or behavior as a human. this is also the gift to us and we need to develop and upgrade this for our own good.
Jewel; the whole person is the totality of an individual. it is base on his/her appearance or attitude. so that he/she is the one who can control him/herself. because he/she is only one who knows his/her capacity to manage their work. and by that it can be shown the whole personality of a person.
Deosamae: the totality of a person based on their appearance, characteristics,attitudes, and even in their job. they  can show their totality by their experience on that job. so that they know their own capacity to do or manage their work and it help them to do their job easier.
Group synthesis: as we answer this selection by giving our individual synthesis on the whole person, we stated the same meaning for us. we determined that this is the totality of a person and we as an individual, we joined in some organization and were chosen based on our personality, not just in one of our characteristics but in our whole package as a human. the whole person for me also means the skills and the looks given us by God so we need to give importance and appreciation and apply those attitudes and skills in a good way.